Diego Lluent Espinal is a cameraman who creates stories through his images…

From a human, everyday and artistic perspective, it documents moments transmitting the art of life...

With its exceptional shots it makes it possible for the viewer to connect and establish a connection with the story that develops in each of its documentaries.

Anima is Diego's project where he seeks the connection with the artist who is still capable of creating...

“In a global moment where we can see a loss of human prominence in the face of their gifts and abilities due to the emergence of AI and digital processes, I try to delve into the soul of those who are still creators thanks to their gifts…”

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Diego immerses himself in the world of the painter Carmen Valverde to bring her creations closer to the public….For weeks he surrounds himself with her works to document them and transfer them to the screen, allowing the viewer to capture the feelings that the painter wants to express with her brushstrokes…

“The Dance of the Angels”, the largest work by the artist Valverde (20 square meters in area) is part of the documentary ANIMA…a documentary that praises the Master Craftsmen